Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead

On Monday, 8th April, 2013 one of the most despised women in history died. Margaret Hilda Thatcher. Carol and I cracked open a dusty bottle of champagne and toasted her demise. Incidentally, the bottle wasn’t the first, it had periodically been drunk and replaced over the years, but there always was a bottle awaiting that…

The Leader’s Debate

  Alex Salmond is not everyone’s cup of tea. To some he’s intelligent, to some he’s arrogant. To some he’s an inspiration, to some he’s a pariah. Whatever he is though, last night’s Leader’s Debate showed that he’s a giant among mice within Scottish politics. The three ‘also-rans’ that shared the stage were little more…

Libya – another mess waiting to happen.

  Western forces in Libya – no Arab involvement! No surprise there then eh? Am I the only one who’s sick and tired of watching the world’s police waste tax payers money dealing with these “crises” only to be roundly turned upon by the permanently offended Arab world? The politicians joyfully tell us, they’re there…

Reg King

Reg King (5 February 1945 – 8 October 2010) was an English singer and songwriter, most famous for being the solo and lead singer with The Boys and The Action. He died of cancer, aged 65, in October 2010. A rather succinct and matter-of-fact quotation from Wikipedia. What it fails to impress upon the reader…

An expedition to Harris.

All is ready.  The car sits packed, or as best it can be on this the night before the journey. The washing machine has spewed forth its final load. All is ready for the off. Aiden was awoken by some screeching bitch who’d taken on far too much alcohol. But even he is now asleep….

The Pathetic Scots

I have no idea at all why the Scots are “blessed” with the curse of democracy! If ever a nation deserved to have that supposedly fundamental right removed, then it is the Scots. Nowhere exists a politically thicker people than those sad, easily led sheep, the Scots. The cancer that is Labour can do as…

In a world of timber

I’m now three days into working for BSW in Earlston. It’s been grand so far – a very decent crowd involved down there. Work wise, it’s gonnae be good for my [rather meagre] unix skills – I’m already seeing stuff I used to know well come back to me as I see it all again….

Leaving the SPSA

Today, with great joy, I leave the SPSA to move to a real job. The SPSA was my first taste as it were of working in the public sector – I can’t even begin to tell you how bloody mind-numbing that experience was. Never have i had to endure such blatant incompetence, unprofessionalism and the…

January 1st

The first of January is such an odd day. Not a great deal happens. The highlight of the day is noticing the date has clocked on a year! 01/01/10 – the first day of a strange year! My birthday this year is 10/10/10… I remember decades ago knowing that this day would arrive! It all…