Labour have been a resounding failure when it comes to governing the people of Scotland. For too long, they have been propped up by the ridiculous notion that they are somehow “the People’s Party”. The more we hear some cerebrally challenged troll claim “I’ve been a Labour man a’ ma life” or “ma’ faimlie’s aye been Labour”, the more we lengthen our period of stagnation and reduce the opportunities to determine our future for ourselves.
Too often we hear how people are dissatisfied – we hear how jobs are disappearing, how taxes are rising, prices inflating. There are concerns over illegal and un-supported wars, immigration levels and the impact of those on public resources. The responsibility for these very real concerns lies at the door of the Westminster government – the Labour government. Yet time after time, these issues are forgotten as the sheep of Scotland’s largest city, trot of to the polls and tick their Labour box.
The great bleating unwashed must come to terms with the notion that blind allegiance to their Labour masters, those grey suits who have for decades taken them for granted, must be brought to an end. They have long ceased to be the once proud socialist voice of the people that their grandfathers and grandmothers rose to cheer. The “people’s party” are no longer in existence. In their place, a sleaze ridden, corrupt and arrogant pillar of disdain that sneers at their poverty while sipping champagne in their well-feathered red,white and blue nests.
Scotland deserves better.